Bring Your Own Doc (BYOD)
Credit: Lead Editor
PROPHET’S PREY, the documentary examination of Warren Jeffs and his fundamentalist sect of the Church of Mormon is shared by director Amy Berg and author Jon Krakauer, direct from the film’s 2015 Sundance Film Fest premiere. With clips from the movie, we get insight from Krakauer about his book, UNDER THE BANNER OF HEAVEN, which was inspiration for the film, and how Berg came to work with him on the documentary. Warren Jeffs’ history of brainwashing and exploitation, the insular and dangerous life on FLDS compounds, and how the story was put together is shared with BYOD, hosted by Ondi Timoner.

Bring Your Own Doc (Web Series)
Lead Editor
Camera Operator
Since 2011, BRING YOUR OWN DOC has covered over 300 films, featuring most of the greatest documentary filmmakers in the world. We’ve done retrospectives with DA Pennebaker, Joe Berlinger, Eugence Jarecki, Les Blank’s last interview, Jehane Noujaim and the Square right off winning Sundance & the Undefeated team right off the Oscars, etc.
The series has become the cornerstone of the documentary world— the only place where a filmmaker gets their best interview, by a colleague, and where the audience can watch the greatest documentary filmmakers discuss their films from subject matter to style, as they are being released. There isn’t a filmmaker or company making docs at Sundance or SXSW, who is nominated for an Oscar, or premiering on any network from HBO to Netflix- who don’t go out of their way to sit down for this show because the reputation is so strong. We host an annual Oscar Roundtable for three years running.